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Factory workers in Horsens surprised by Aarhus Symphony Orchestra flash mob

Factory workers in Horsens surprised by Aarhus Symphony Orchestra flash mob

When Aarhus Symphony Orchestra suddenly appeared inside the factory at VOLA, it was not simply about providing entertainment for the employees. It was a celebration of the dedication to aesthetic beauty and craftsmanship that the members of the orchestra and the employees at VOLA all share.

What everyone expected to be a completely normal working day at VOLA – the internationally renowned company behind the design and manufacturing of taps and other bathroom and kitchen products – turned into a truly unforgettable one.

All of a sudden, while the factory workers went about their usual business, a flash mob of musicians appeared. But not just any musicians – a selection of members from Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, which is one of the most popular of its kind in Denmark and boasts an impressive 85-year history of constant artistic curiosity.

Spread out across both the factory floor and the platform above, the orchestra delivered a stunning performance of Aaron Copland’s piece, Fanfare for the Common Man, to a captivated audience of VOLA employees. As the piece kicks off with a loud gong, it was sure to get everyone’s attention from the get-go.

The flash mob marked the first performance by Aarhus Symphony Orchestra since activities had to seize due to COVID-19.

“It was amazing to play live music for real people,” said Jesper Nordin, Artistic Director at Aarhus Symphony Orchestra. “Normally, we invite people to join us in a concert hall, but this time we were invited to be a part of the daily life of everyone at the VOLA factory – and it was such a great experience.”

A shared dedication to aesthetic beauty and craftmanship
For VOLA, inviting Aarhus Symphony Orchestra to give a surprise performance for the employees was not simply about providing an entertaining break in the middle of the working day.
Rather, the goal was to demonstrate the connection between the musicians and the precision of their instruments on one side and the VOLA employees and the beautifully designed products they are manufacturing on the other.
In short, it was a celebration of the dedication to aesthetic beauty and craftsmanship that they all share, even though VOLA and Aarhus Symphony Orchestra inhabit very different worlds.

Inspiration from the world of culture
“At VOLA, we are greatly inspired by the world of culture, and especially the way a big orchestra operates. Strong leadership gets them to where they need to be, but a relatively flat structure and limited hierarchy enables each person to take pride and responsibility in their specific contribution – and we are striving for the exact same thing at VOLA,” said Birthe Tofting, Sales and Marketing Director at VOLA.

“The VOLA employees and the musicians in the orchestra have a similar kind of passion for what they do, whether it’s ensuring that the tap coming off the production line is perfect, or that the high note is hit at exactly the right moment. This passion united everyone on the day of the flash mob, and it was clear to see the respect the VOLA team had for the orchestra and vice versa. Everyone was able to witness the strength of unity within the respective teams, and that is what made it a truly memorable event.”
She added: “Another noteworthy aspect of this event is that it is that it could only have happened in Denmark. We are well respected for our approach to mindful living, and this event demonstrated exactly that.”
Watch the factory workers getting surprised by the flash mob here.

Press contact:
Birthe Tofting · Sales and Marketing Director · VOLA · · 76 28 48 22

Sabrina Gade · · 30 65 68 22
Marie Dam · · 29 93 62 66
Jes Vang · · Communication & Marketing, Aarhus Symphony Orchestra · 41 85 66 33

About Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra (Aarhus Symfoniorkester) was founded in 1935 and resides in the award-winning Symphonic Hall at Musikhuset Aarhus in Aarhus, Denmark. The Orchestra’s 66 permanent musicians are led by the respected French chief conductor Marc Soustrot, with the legendary Leif Segerstam acting as honorary conductor.
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra attracts a large and diverse audience through weekly subscription concerts, family concerts, chamber concerts and large-scale collaborative concerts with festivals and concert halls throughout Denmark. In addition, the Orchestra maintains a permanent cooperation with the Danish National Opera (Den Jyske Opera) and has recorded a substantial amount of both Danish contemporary works and standard classical repertoire on CD.
Deeply invested in the community surrounding it, the Orchestra performs social outreach concerts and arranges free school concerts, playing for more than 10.000 children annually. In 2018, the Orchestra has added a new ambitious family project for pre-school children and their parents to their activity roster called “the Children of Music” (Musikkens Børn).

About VOLA
VOLA products are internationally recognized as true design icons. They have been imitated the world over, but have never been matched. For five decades, expert knowledge and specialist skills have come together to create and innovate. The company places such emphasis on longevity that some of its earliest products are still fully operational today. VOLA is both the original modern tap designer and a multi award-winning brand that brought contemporary, sustainable Danish design to the home. 


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